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Steel Formwork (including steel arc formwork)
Steel Formwork (including steel arc formwork)
1. The formwork board width can be enlarged, reducing the joints of the formwork assembly.
2. The size of the formwork is highly standardized and the assembly is flexible.
3. The formwork has low adsorption force and easy demoulding.
4. Many turnover times.
5. The concrete surface has a good molding effect.
6. The template product system is complete, and the matching accessories are complete. They can be combined arbitrarily according to the needs of the project, and the layout of the plan is flexible and convenient.
7. Large rigidity, small deformation, few tie rods, and labor saving.
Technical Parameters:
Steel wall formwork straight formwork (including backing) Unit weight: 75 kg/m²
Steel wall formwork straight formwork single maximum width: 1500 mm
Steel wall formwork straight formwork thickness: 80 mm
Usual format:
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